Some Recent Talks

  1. How to Model a Galaxy Survey (Slides (180 mins), Slides (60 mins), Notes)

  2. Searching for Massive Particles in the CMB (Slides)

  3. The Galactic Cosmological Collider (Slides)

  4. Job Talk (2024): Galaxy Surveys: A Precision Probe of Inflation (Slides)

  5. Hints of Cosmological Parity Violation (Slides (45 min), Slides (10 min))

  6. Constraining Inflation with BOSS DR12 (Slides (technical), Slides (outline))

  7. Thesis Talk: Probing Fundamental Cosmology with Galaxy Surveys (Slides (public talk), Slides (specialist talk))

  8. Can We Learn Anything from pSZ x Shear? (Slides)

  9. An Unofficial BOSS DR12 Analysis: Cosmology from the Galaxy Power Spectrum and Bispectrum (Slides)

  10. Job Talk (2021): Large Scale Structure Beyond the Two-Point Function (Slides)

  11. Cosmology from the Galaxy Four-Point Correlation Function (Slides, Video)

  12. Have We Exhausted the Galaxy Two-Point Function? (Slides)

  13. Fewer Mocks and Less Noise: Reducing the Dimensionality of Cosmological Observables with Subspace Projections (Slides)

  14. Cosmology with the Marked Density Field (Slides)

  15. Measuring H0 from Galaxy Surveys: With and Without the Sound Horizon (Slides, Video)

  16. What’s Next for the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure? (Slides (15 mins), Slides (45 mins), Video)

  17. The Effective Halo Model: Accurate Models for the Power Spectrum and Cluster Count Covariances (Slides)

  18. Combining Galaxy Full-Shape and BAO Information (Slides)

  19. Detection and Removal of CMB B-mode Dust Foregrounds with Signatures of Statistical Anisotropy (Slides)

  20. Inferring Galactic Parameters from Chemical Abundances (Slides (15 mins), Slides (45 mins))