Some Recent Talks
How to Model a Galaxy Survey (Slides (180 mins), Slides (60 mins), Notes)
Searching for Massive Particles in the CMB (Slides)
The Galactic Cosmological Collider (Slides)
Job Talk (2024): Galaxy Surveys: A Precision Probe of Inflation (Slides)
Hints of Cosmological Parity Violation (Slides (45 min), Slides (10 min))
Constraining Inflation with BOSS DR12 (Slides (technical), Slides (outline))
Thesis Talk: Probing Fundamental Cosmology with Galaxy Surveys (Slides (public talk), Slides (specialist talk))
Can We Learn Anything from pSZ x Shear? (Slides)
An Unofficial BOSS DR12 Analysis: Cosmology from the Galaxy Power Spectrum and Bispectrum (Slides)
Job Talk (2021): Large Scale Structure Beyond the Two-Point Function (Slides)
Cosmology from the Galaxy Four-Point Correlation Function (Slides, Video)
Have We Exhausted the Galaxy Two-Point Function? (Slides)
Fewer Mocks and Less Noise: Reducing the Dimensionality of Cosmological Observables with Subspace Projections (Slides)
Cosmology with the Marked Density Field (Slides)
Measuring H0 from Galaxy Surveys: With and Without the Sound Horizon (Slides, Video)
What’s Next for the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure? (Slides (15 mins), Slides (45 mins), Video)
The Effective Halo Model: Accurate Models for the Power Spectrum and Cluster Count Covariances (Slides)
Combining Galaxy Full-Shape and BAO Information (Slides)
Detection and Removal of CMB B-mode Dust Foregrounds with Signatures of Statistical Anisotropy (Slides)
Inferring Galactic Parameters from Chemical Abundances (Slides (15 mins), Slides (45 mins))